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更新时间:2025-03-10 11:06:48
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bow out什么意思


1. retire gracefully

e.g. He bowed out when he realized he could no longer handle the demands of the chairmanship

Synonym: withdraw

2. remove oneself from an obligation

e.g. He bowed out when he heard how much work was involved

Synonym: chicken outback offpull outback down

1. 退出:bow one's thanks 鞠躬致谢 | bow out 退出 | bow pen 小圆规

2. 不干了,退出:15. life in the fast lane 刺激的生活(fast lane快车道) | 16. bow out 不干了,退出 | 17. bend over backwards 不遗余力

3. 退出,引退:boutique n.专卖流行衣服的小商店 | bow out 退出,引退 | bowl n.滚球戏(保龄球)

4. bow out什么意思

4. 从容引退:retract v.缩回, 缩进, 所卷(舌等), 收回, 取消, 撤消 | bow out 从容引退 | no offense,..我没有恶意,......

You may also have to delay a purchase you had been looking forward to making, or bow out of an event.(你可能还得延迟购买你一直想要的某个东西,或者退出某项事务。)
As the old ruling circle has turned against him, even threatening him with imprisonment, he has boldly refused to bow out.(不过尽管旧统治体系与他敌对,甚至威胁要对他实行监禁,但是他勇敢的拒绝了退出。)
Many baby-boomers say they never want to bow out altogether, though they would often prefer to put in shorter hours.(许多在婴儿潮世代出生的老人们都表示他们从来都不想在家里每天等人拜访然后恭送别人离开,尽管他们乐于花少量时间在互相串门上。)
A project was taking too much time so I had to bow out of it.(一个项目所需的时间太多了,我必须全力迎合它。)
With the help of a compound and a light source, we're granting that cell the ability to bow out gracefully.(在光激活化合物的帮助下,我们给予该细胞消失的能力。)
Theywould then be free to bow out, burn their Guevara posters, take up thatlong-neglected cello again and talk about something more intriguing than theAsiatic mode of production.(他们将功成身退,重获自由,烧掉格瓦拉的海报,重新拿起已经蒙尘的大提琴,谈论比亚洲生产模式更有趣的事情。)
When such topics surface, bow out by saying something like: "Thinking about that stuff makes my head hurt."(如果出现了这样的话题,就可以用一句句“想到这些事情我就头疼”,礼貌地退出讨论。)
In many European countries workers bow out earlier and can look forward to drawing their pensions for up to a quarter of a century.(许多欧洲国家的工作者们提前退休,期待着运气好的话能拿到25年的退休金。)
I decided the best thing to do was to graciously bow out.(于是我做了一个最佳的决定,那就是优雅地见好就收。)
Can you bow out when they're Shouting your name?(难道你能够在他们呼喊你名字的时候舍他们而去吗?)
bow out是什么意思 bow out在线翻译 bow out什么意思 bow out的意思 bow out的翻译 bow out的解释 bow out的发音 bow out的同义词